Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Creator & Teacher of RISE Hypnotic Meditation Mary Welp .. She has a direct, adaptable and easy 4 step process to access meaningful change in all lives. RISE is meditation meets self-hypnosis. One addresses fears, habits and imprints with RISE Hypnotic Meditation, along with increasing peak performance in many areas of life. We cover her life now, the past and what she his hoping for as the post-COVID world looms .. Enjoy this Interview .. More on Mary's Services - https://www.risehypnoticmeditation.com/ Thanks for tuning into another Famous Interview with Joe Dimino .. where we cover the world of art, literature and music around the globe .. If you want to hear more interviews, visit the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino Youtube Channel .. Thanks again for listening & Until next time ..