RISE Goes International!

I am always grateful when others see in RISE what I see. This past July, Louise Baker from Cromwell, England and Tracy Beach from Niagara Falls, Canada signed up to become RISE instructors so that they can bring this practice to their countries/communities. During this one day certification class, they not only learned RISE, but they were able to go deeply into their healing and participate in 4 hypnotic meditations.

It was magical! Speaking at conferences is not something I would have imagined doing 5 years ago. However I find that I enjoy it. I like telling people about my passion in teaching RISE Hypnotic Meditation and learning about what they are passionate about. HypnoThoughts in Las Vegas is a wonderful hypnosis conference in that people are so open, friendly and driven to help others live their best lives. It also draws people from around the world.Thank you Louise and Tracy. I am so proud to have you in the RISE community. You are both great additions to the growing list of RISE instructors. RISE UP!

If you are interested in getting your RISE Teacher Certification, CLICK the image below!